Tai Chi has been shown to be valuable in reducing falls in the elderly – hold on that means me! – and I have been involved in some over 60’s classes at the Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living which have had excellent feedback – so have decided to start some Tai Chi classes for the over 60’s in Shefford from June 6th. Venue is Shefford Community Hall where classes will be held every Monday afternoon from 2.30 to 4.00pm with a break for tea and bikies – suitable for anybody who is presently able to walk or walk with a stick and would like to work on their balance and mobility. So if you are 50 plus and would like to learn habits of movement that will help you as you approach your 60’s and in later years then come along. Cost is £18 per calendar month in advance or £5 per session.
Next post: If you meet Buddha on the road – kill him!
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