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Home Beginners Guide to the Development of Internal Feeling in Tai Chi

Beginners Guide to the Development of Internal Feeling in Tai Chi

Tai Chi Stepping at an angleThe following thoughts and linked article are not definitive – just some observations on the journey. Readers may recognise some of them and hopefully will be encouraged in looking for their own internal feeling.

We each bring our differences to our practice and each of us takes different things from it – so will change and develop differently. One thing does seem clear however – this is an important part of Tai Chi – without it we are simply following the moves of others, copying what we are told. With internal feeling we are able to take control of our own development and my suspicion is that ultimately, rather than this complicated list, it all just gets brought together in the everyday experience of living in your own body, with awareness of what is going on.

So to anyone starting out on the journey of Tai Chi – I hope this article helps.

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